Helping IKEA bring people together

We helped Livat, part of the IKEA brand, publicise their new take on the shopping centre - a place to eat, work and play.


Ingka Group, the holding company that controls the IKEA brand, wanted to give the ‘meeting place’ a new lease of life. With everyone shut away during lockdowns they wanted to get people back together in the real world where they can not only shop, but also meet, get inspired, eat, learn, experience something new, and spend time. Their agency, Good Relations, wanted a cost effective production that could resonate in multiple regions around the world.

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Initially seen as an on location shoot, we quickly realised that working in a studio with simple set builds would give us more control, as well as value for money. We worked with the space to create a series of giant coloured walls, each chosen from the Livat brand palette. We arranged and dressed these walls as a series of four rooms, a place to eat, to work, to shop and to come together – all experiences that are available in Ingka and Livat centres across the world, with the aim of delivering four illustrative films.

The size of the studio meant we could only build two sets at a time. We had 3 days on site so built the first two on day one and still had time to pre-light and block out the scenes with the actors. The idea being that while one scenario was being filmed, the rest of the team was building the next set just a few meters away.

Working with a small but highly experienced crew allowed us to stick to a lean budget but also work quickly and efficiently. The cast were quick and responsive and knew just what we needed. That small bit of time on the first day allowed us to stick rigidly to time over the following two shoot days, with very few takes. It’s always the case that spending a little more time and money in the planning stage will reward the final vision.

Once we’d wrapped, we had a quick turnaround edit, including motion graphics before delivery.


Both the client and agency were delighted with the films and especially grateful at our being on time and on budget.